With COVID-19 putting us all into lock down, we wanted to provide an update and thank so many within the village for their support.
We were forced to close The Anchor on Friday, March 20, 2020 and couldn't have been more disappointed to close a social space that we all share.
We appreciate and agree with the order to close the pubs, at times like this, it's critical that we look after life before business.
We have been deep cleaning The Anchor in anticipation of a fresh start when we open again. We have also been facing a few significant challenges that we wanted to let you all know about.
Take Away Services
We had some wonderful support from local people to try to get a take away service up and running. We have been working to understand the ever-changing laws around the sale of food and have come to the final, and sad conclusion that we are unable to provide take away services at this time. The main reason for the decision is that our normal food suppliers are unable to deliver to us during the lock down. As the position of our suppliers changes, we will keep you all updated.
We have been fighting hard to ensure that The Anchor is ready to open it's doors again when the time is right, as of today, Greene King continue to charge us rent on the property, causing ever-increasing bills that must be paid. It puts a huge strain on the business and risks our ability to operate once things return to normal. If you are able to, please feel free to share your discontent through any social media platforms that you use, using #NOPUBNORENT.

We hope that everyone in the village, and the people that they, in turn love too stay safe in this difficult time. Remember that it's best to stay home and keep your hands clean at all times. Read more about COVID-19 and what you should do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe here: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus